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First try with the D-27
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As always some errors in the design restrict the assembly of the next series. In case of the D27 it is a minor fault. Just the four small steps for the front side have been lost while the large one is not yet mounted.
At was very difficult with the segmented roof radius and the bended siding sheet. No chance to fold the sheets. All parts are separate.
This time I first combined the decor sheet with the inner one with glue. Then the roof had been bent rolling it on a rod and then putting the outer part on a weak carton and a brass rod on top. Then bending it by hammer strokes with a piece of wood in between.
Could have been worse at the end.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
52.18 KB (800 x 531 px)
File size of the original image
427.51 KB (1772 x 1177 px)
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