General Z Scale 1043 topics
General Z Scale Discussions
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Welcome to Z Central 275 topicsDiscussions about this website.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Contests 20 topicsThis is the new home for Z Central Station Contests!
Moderators: soccrdad30
Deutschsprachiges Z Forum 40 topics(German Speaking Forum) Dieses Forum ist fur unsere deutschsprechenden Freunde, die in diesem Forum aktiv sein möchten. Hier können Nachrichten auf Deutsch geschrieben werden. Nutze auch die Möglichkeit Fotos in die Galerie hochzuladen.
Moderators: ULie, soccrdad30
Kit Bashing & Scratch Building 137 topicsDiscussions related Kit Bashing & Scratch Building of locos, rolling stock, scenery, etc.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Idea Forum 31 topicsDo you have an idea for a new Z Scale Product? This is not a "Wish List", but rather a working "Idea Forum". You are welcome in posting proto images, drawings, videos, sketches, kitbashes, etc... You are even welcome in posting other non-Z scaled images. Anyone can blurt out a "Wish List", let's work together on a "Idea Forum" to help create future products. This is where the Z community and the manufacturers collaborate and help develop 1:220 products.
Moderators: soccrdad30
New to Z Scale 90 topicsQuestions from beginners answered by experts.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Off Topic 227 topicsTopics regarding anything not related to other existing forums or topics.
Moderators: soccrdad30
T-Rail-Z 2 topicsA table top Z scale module system.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Where to buy Z Scale 124 topicsOnline stores, local stores, auctions, and other sources for Z Scale products.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Shows and Conventions 73 topicsDiscussions related to train shows and conventions hosting Z Scale events.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Photography 23 topicsCameras, lenses, lighting and general photographic techniques used in Z Scale photography.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Tributes 1 topicThis forum is dedicated to lost Z scale modelers. Here is where you can share or pay tribute of their work and love of Z scale model railroading.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Modeling Moments 2 topics
This category is to share possible modeling ideas maybe not for ourselves but for others. On your way to the dentist, work, or on vacation? And you find something unique you take a few photos thinking putting this on your layout... or maybe it would be cool to see on anyone's layout? This is the Modeling Moments Forum.
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Modeling Moments Forum 2 topicsThis category is to share possible modeling ideas maybe not for ourselves but for others. On your way to the dentist, work, or on vacation? And you find something unique you take a few photos thinking putting this on your layout... or maybe it would be cool to see on anyone's layout? This is the Modeling Moments Forum.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Product Announcements 528 topics
This Category is for new product announcements only. Announce your product(s) in this category for new Z (1:220) products.
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New Z Scale Products 112 topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
Moderators: soccrdad30
NZT Product Announcements 24 topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
Rokuhan Announcements 58 topicsThis category is for announcing new Rokuhan products.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Stonebridge Announcements 24 topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
StonySmithDesigns Announcements 47 topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
ZTrack Announcements 246 topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
VZL Announcements No topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
Small WonderZ 10 topics
Moderators: soccrdad30
JEB Brothers Miniature World 1 topic
Moderators: soccrdad30
Rolling Stock of the Month Club 2 topics
Z Central Station's Rolling Stock of the Month Club members commit to share one Z scale rolling stock photo a month. The shared photo can be of a current project, future project, or finished project. Your photo can also be a custom rolling stock or a purchased rolling stock.
Basically just once a month share a photo of a piece of Z scale rolling stock. |
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Rollling Stock of the Month Club 2 topicsZ Central Station's Rolling Stock of the Month Club members commit to share one Z scale rolling stock photo a month. The shared photo can be of a current project, future project, or finished project. Your photo can also be a custom rolling stock or a purchased rolling stock.
Basically just once a month share a photo of a piece of Z scale rolling stock.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Trains 227 topics
Z Scale Trains
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Z Scale Diesel Locomotives - American 47 topicsAmerican style diesel engine discussions - all mfrs.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Steam Locomotives - American 19 topicsZ Scale Steam Locomotives - American
Moderators: soccrdad30
European style diesel engine discussions - all mfrs.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Steam Locomotives - European 6 topicsEuropean style steam engine discussions - all mfrs.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Electric Locomotives 8 topicsElectrics discussions all styles, all mfrs.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Rolling Stock 143 topicsRolling stock discussions all styles, all mfrs.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Layouts 328 topics
Z Scale Layouts
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Z Scale Layouts and Modules 128 topicsLayout and modules discussions
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Performance 42 topicsZ Scale Performance Tips
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Power - Control - DCC 64 topicsDiscussions related running, controlling trains, track, accessories, and DCC - digital command control.
Moderators: SJ-BAZ-man, soccrdad30
Z Scale Accessories 94 topicsDiscussions related to scenery, buildings, accessories, etc.
Moderators: soccrdad30
Z Scale Buy/Sell/Trade 39 topics
Here is where Z Central Station Members can list items they want to buy, sell, or trade Z scale products.
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Buy/Sell/Trade Z! 39 topicsZ Central Station Rules
1.) Sale items must be owned or in possession and have the item ready for shipping prior to posting the listing. 2.) Interested buyers should private message or E-mail the person who listed the item. Click on member name to access their profile to send a private message. 3.) All information about the item along with images or videos should be posted with the item to eliminate requests for pictures, if you do not have a picture then please do not post until you do. 4.) You may post the price of the item(s), whether it be trade value, sale value or willing to pay. Shipping costs and shipping method shall be displayed. 5.) Once the listing has been completed you must post that the item(s) are no longer available. Let’s keep this section clean. After 30 days from original posting the listing will be removed. 6.) If a member owes you something, make EVERY attempt to resolve the issue privately. Should all attempts at a solution fail and you feel you have no option but to make a public post, remember to be respectful. Posting a deal-gone-bad to the board should be a last resort. It is not Z Central Station's place to "police" every transaction on the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum. 7.)Admin/Mods and Affiliates will not be held liable for any transaction that fails to follow through.
Moderators: soccrdad30
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