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011 West Turnout Control - & Track Pigtail Wires.
Image information
After all the power pigtail wires (24 AWG stranded; red & black) and turnout control wires (blue & yellow & blue) have been fed through the 1" pink foam base, the layout tray was turned upside-down for finishing the wiring. Wooden stir and cork bases (cut to barrier strip length) were glued in close proximity where the wires came through the foam. Then the barrier strips were glued on top of each base.
A set of pigtail wires was soldered to each Märklin track section, but not to any turnout. I do not rely on the electrical conductivity of the metal rail joiners, but for the turnouts only. (This makes turnout replacement possible.) The pigtail wires and 3 control wires of the turnouts were poked through the pink foam. I inserted the wires in a plastic stir straw, which then in turn is inserted through a hole in the 1" pink foam. This way the wires don’t get stuck inside the hole of the foam!
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
74.20 KB (800 x 600 px)
File size of the original image
433.32 KB (1600 x 1200 px)
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