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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Articles & Blogs

Micro-Trains Farmers Co-op Build

Hits: 8554

Micro-Trains Farmers Co-op Build by

100 0856I am definitely getting better at Z-Scale. Another Micro-Trains kit, I am liking these more and more with each build. It is a nice two night-er, and I suggest, a nice sit down with the podcast, Model Rail Cast Show and enjoy the build.

100 0860Its not a matter of sight for me, but more of a knowing how to do it, makes all the difference. We know this kit would look great in any era or location you can come up with.

The kit is wood, with some sticky back sheets.

100 0862Building the main deck first, add the support posts and let the thinly laid glue set good. Then attach the cross bents gently to the posts.

100 0872To put the stairs together, the hardest part is getting the first bent on. I put a dab of ca on to grab it. Then followed up with some yellow glue on a toothpick. Add the steps by taking the backing off the step and sticking it to the knife blade and placing in the stringer, starting at the top step.

100 0875 Next we attach the steps to the deck, again using a toothpick, Let dry.

100 0884Painting the different parts, as you can see is a breeze. Pick your color and stick tot he parts you want painted before you even remove them from the sheet. We painted the walls tan, and the trim pieces brown. Let all the components dry completely before moving on, as we want all the pieces rigid  when attaching the trim pieces.

100 0887Again using the knife, stick the window frame to the blade and attach to the wall carefully.

100 0888Attaching the glazing is pretty simple, I cut a pretty big square and glued it on with yellow glue. Same with the big sliding doors, yellow glue. The doors we added in the slight open position.

100 0889Raising the walls one at a time, we first dabbed a wee bit of glue at the bottom of the wall to stick it in place. Add the second wall and seal the corner. Following the same procedure for each remaining wall.

To finish off the model we added the utilities boxes to the outside wall.  We glued on the roof sections, leaving the sticky side up for the roofing paper.

Ron Pare

guild 09 010118 guild 09 010120 guild 09 010119
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John Kellett

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