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Friday, February 21, 2025

Articles & Blogs

It Figures

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Here is the deal. IF somebody wants me to make figures, they have to be SPECIFIC. If you dance around the subject and hint you want hookers,or anything else, then please say it. I cannot work with the abstract. I am a 49, a free thinker , a heathen, and live in Europe. As long as the figures I make do not break most of the generally accepted laws of the US and Europe, it wont bother me. If it offends, people for moral, political,or religious reasons, too bad. Suck it up. I will pull the art card and wave it in your face.

     Lookers all decked out? A fisherman? That tells me NOTHING.

     Let me break it down. Do you want figures for your layout, or just me making figures that I take pictures of and people make comments on? I can do both and really don't mind doing both, but I  have no time right now to invest in other peoples fantasies, I am not out to make money but I do need to break even.

    Action. If you want me to make a figure, doing something, again  be specific. "A girl dancing" , for example, could mean break dancing, square dancing, waltzing, or swinging on a pole. " a man motor-boating "could mean a guy out on a lake ,or something else very different. Please do not waste OUR time and energy on making something that you do not want.

     Era. People dress very different in 1925 than they do today. " Kelley, make me some wise guys on the street." Well in 1925 they would be guys in fedoras and carrying tommyguns.1940s a bunch of dudes in zoot suits. 1950s greasers in leather jackets and jeans, 1960s some dirty hippies, 1970s, dudes with big fros and long zebra stripped coats, 80s punks, 90s, grunge, today,I dunno perhaps a self portrait, but you get the idea?

     Specific region or nationality. I've been everywhere and nowhere. I live Europe, and left the US when I was 21. I can find a lot a stuff on the internet, but if someone wants me to make the train crew of Indian National Railways circa 1933,  please help me to help you. Some pictures and references would be nice. I am a tiny bit colorblind, and there are slight color shifts when you are scaling down.  If I use the wrong shade of khaki for the shorts that the Raj's punka-wallah wore in 1933, I am sorry.

     I cannot make EVERYTHING. I modify Preiser and other companies 1/200-1/220 figures. I do the best I can. A lot of people can do better but even more do worse. I am not fishing for complements, I am stating facts, and know my limitations. Using the materials I have, I can usually find a figure doing whatever it is you want them tho do. 

     I will work things out. I am broke and so are most people I know. I definitely can work out a trade. I cannot charge you for the work I do by the hour, piece ect. You could not afford it. I enjoy doing these things and look on them as a challenge. I have invested a LOT of money on paints, brushes ect. 10/O brushes aren't cheap, and can only be used for so long. That big rattlecan of dullcote might cost you 3 bucks at the LHS, but all I can find is a tiny 10 ml can of stuff imported from Japan that costs me over 10 bucks. here.

     If you ask me what I want for whatever, from now on I will tell you. If you want 1 or 2 figures, I might not want anything at all. When it starts to be,"Oh and make me one of these, and some of those", and it becomes 5 or 6 specific figures, then yea, I would like something for them. 

     "But I can get these from XYZ cheaper and more of them and better ones". Well, get them from XYZ.I'm not stopping you. If you want 7 foot tall shiny globs with paint thrown on from Red China, then go for it. There is one other person I know that makes figures, and she is really nice and also lives in Germany. If you think hers are nicer, better,cheaper, then by all means buy them. I will even give you her business addy if you ask me. I am NOT trying to compete with her.  That said, however, those of you that have taken pictures of MY work , and then you asked her to copy the same figures, well I have put a nasty curse on you and karma will slap you silly someday. Its been done twice already. Another reason why I shouldn't display pictures of figures I have done just for "funsies". I am not blaming her, I have my own reasons to think a third party was involved.




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Kelley Wright

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